Agriculture & Livelihood

Lack of quality farming skills, marketing of their produce and lack of good nutrition information are the major problems affecting the farmers in Fort Portal Tourism City, Kabarole District and even the neighboring districts. This has negatively affected the social economic background of farmers and their respective communities.

HUVUCSO mobilized farmers and grouped them. It is from these groups that the project team is able to sensitize them on good nutrition, marketing of farmers produce, value addition, and quality farming skills. In addition to that we are using other approaches to change the situation here by;

Implementing Agribusiness Development, on farm research, Agricultural land use planning, Farmer led advocacy, Climate change adaptation and Gender integration methodologies- with these we are always focused on areas, mainly on building strong and sustainable agroindustry models among the target communities to facilitate the transition from subsistence farming to commercial production, that enables farmers to pay fees for their children and other financial requirements. HUVUCSO has mobilized group farmers and trained them in farming techniques, awareness on land rights, promotion of appropriate technologies that reduce burden of women in farming and strengthening of women farm groups to access resources and build partnerships.

The farmers here practice farming in coffee, honey, maize, beans, bananas, tomatoes, green peppers etc. HUVUCSO and partners have built knowledge and expertise of farmers in the use of improved technologies and management practices, strengthen quality of production through promotion of post harvesting technologies, and value addition.

Furthermore, HUVUCSO works with individuals, communities, development partners, government authorities, and funding agencies to achieve both short term and long-term objectives for purposes of achieving the needs of our program beneficiaries.