Natural Resource

Charcoal burning business is practiced in the nearby forests as an alternative source of income and fuel wood. About 90% of Ugandans depend on biomass, which fuels climate change and results in air pollution. It causes health harms like asthma attacks, cancer, heart attacks, hospitalizations, and premature deaths. On top of that, charcoal and bush burning have a negative impact on Uganda’s incredible environment. The fires turn beautiful, biodiverse landscapes into barren space and destroy the habitats of flora and fauna. Bees lack flowers to collect nectar from and produce their quality natural honey – which again leads to the environment lacking bees to pollinate plants. This is just one example of how environmental damage develops its own dynamic. The use of pesticides and herbicides in farming further increases the extinction of species – and not only on land: Through the rain, the toxins get into rivers and lakes, where they are harmful to the underwater world.

People are already suffering from the negative impacts of this environmental destruction. An estimated number of 90% of Ugandans mainly use charcoal or firewood for cooking. The cooking is often done in poorly ventilated rooms, resulting in indoor air pollution. The lack of oxygen and absorption of a lot of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide caused by the fires is harmful to people’s health and the reason for a lot of premature deaths.

For now, in order to overcome this situation, HUVUCSO as a local non-profit organization will raise awareness through radio programs and use their drama team to spread the messages on conserving the environment to the local population here. The messages and plays are presented in the local languages which is understood by 99.9% of the community members in Tooro sub region. As HUVUCSO is growing, we hope to be able to expand the natural resource department because we are very aware that the need for action is urgent.

Climate change and the destabilization of the water cycle through deforestation have led to droughts which affect farmers production. Water tables have reduced especially in boreholes, protected springs, shallow wells and other local traditional wells. In other regions, heavy floods have taken many lives. River Nyamwamba in Kasese District has destroyed whole villages on its way down from mountain Rwenzori, carrying not only water but masses of stones.

Climate change and the destabilization of the water cycle through deforestation have led to droughts which affect farmers production. Water tables have reduced especially in boreholes, protected springs, shallow wells and other local traditional wells. In other regions, heavy floods have taken many lives. River Nyamwamba in Kasese District has destroyed whole villages on its way down from mountain Rwenzori, carrying not only water but masses of stones.

The picture below shows the damage the river did in Kilembe.
