
Humura Vulnerable Children/Youth Support Organization (HUVUCSO) as a non-community-based organization operating in the rural marginalized communities of Ruwenzori sub region. HUVUCSO has learnt that HIV/AIDS is increasing more in the rural settings of the sub region than in urban centers of the region. Our baseline surveys have shown a myriad of causes of the highest prevalence rate of HIV/Aids in the sub region especially in Kabarole district which is leading the whole country in Uganda with the highest prevalence rate of 11.3%.

HUVUCSO’s Vision is to have “An educated, healthier and HIV/AIDS free generation and community with a focus on children” and

A mission which states that “Supporting the needy community of children living with HIV/Aids in their education, rights and house hold income generating activities”.

HUVUCSO, in order to realize its vision, mission and its objectives, seeks to find a way of protecting the youth and all the people of Ruwenzori sub region from acquiring HIV/Aids and other sexual transmitted diseases (STD’s)

Following this background, HUVUCSO is implementing a project titled: Prevention of HIV /AIDS amongst the youth in schools and communities. This is a long-term project that will run for four years (2015-2019) in the communities of Ruwenzori sub region. HUVUCSO is implementing this project to fulfill the millennium development goal number six, which states that “combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases”. And its targets are:

  • Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/Aids.
  • Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it.

While implementing this project in this sub region HUVUCSO, intends to find key methodologies which could improve the welfare of the people living with HIV/aids in the Ruwenzori sub region and to ensure that they are not spreading the scourge to the young generations in these communities. These methodologies are set to be used as new innovations in our work to fight HIV/Aids in the Ruwenzori sub region, today and in the future.

Uganda since the 1990’s has registered tremendous millstones in the fight against the HIV/AIDS virus, the gains made in the last two decades are fast getting eroded by the increasing number of new infections, such as Gonorrhea, candida, syphilis etc. The Ministry of Health has expressed concern that the country is losing the fight against HIV/AIDS, with the infection rates steadily rising. Uganda is the only country in the Eastern and Southern Africa with rising HIV/AIDS infection.

Latest research titled “perception of condom use and HIV/Aids prevention, 2015 in Kabarole District” conducted by Dr. Consolata Kabonesa, Dr. Richard Asaba, Dr. Ruth Nsibirano from Makerere University, school of women and gender studies, indicates that Batooro tribe is leading with the highest prevalence rate of 13% and Kabarole district is leading with the highest prevalence rate of 11.3% in the whole country. They are followed by Banyankole, Acholi, Bakiga and Baganda with 9%. The research further indicates that 35.3 million people in the whole world have HIV/Aids (UNAIDS REPORT 2013). In 2012 SSA accounted for 70% of all new HIV infections and prevalence among women more than twice as high as young men (UNAIDS 2013-2012) women with HIV/AIDS are at 8.3% and men are at 6.1%. It was found out that condoms are used youth between 18-35 years old whereas men 36 years and above do not use condoms. It was also noted that, the people in the rural setups are the most affected with HIV/Aids, therefore, farmers are the most people living with HIV/Aids & in Kabarole district in particular.

HUVUCSO is operating in an area that has the country’s highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates averaging between 8-11.3%, in Kabarole district alone the HIV prevalence rates are at 11.3 according to the district health department, these alarming statistics means there is need to develop appropriate actions towards behavioral change especially amongst the youth and the farmers living with HIV/Aids, to reduce the effect and impact of HIV/AIDS in Kabarole district in the Ruwenzori region at large.

In the Ruwenzori Region, specifically in Kabarole District, Sexual relations remain the dominant mode of transmission and the fight against HIV/AIDS rests less risky sexual behavior. In schools, prevention policies and activities target only secondary schools and primary school children are only punctually and unequally targeted. Nevertheless, these children are also exposed to various influences (media) and are sexually active at an increasingly early age. For more information about HIV/Aids in Kabarole district please contact the District Health Officer (DHO) and for more information about HIV/Aids in Uganda contact ministry of health Uganda, UNAIDS Office in Uganda at:   or you can contact Uganda network of Aids Service Organizations (KNASO)